Refund Policy

If you wish to return a faulty or incorrect item, please contact your designated account manager on +44 (0)330 123 2559 or email us at within 24 hours of receiving your goods. If you do not contact us within 24 hours we reserve the right not to issue a full refund.

1.1 If you have received a faulty or incorrect item, we will endeavour to replace your item within 48 hours, free of charge.

1.1.1 If the item you wish to return is no longer in stock, we will issue a full refund for the item within 48 hours.

1.2 If you are unhappy with the product or service you have received please contact us within 24 hours to discuss arranging a return.

1.2.1 If a return is agreed in this instance you are responsible for returning the goods back to us in a saleable condition at your cost.

1.2.3 The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse.

1.2.4 All goods will be inspected upon return. If the goods received are not in saleable condition, we reserve the right not to issue a full refund.

1.2.5 We recommend you obtain proof of postage. Our return postage address is: Panini UK Limited, 1a Weddell Way, Brackmills, Northampton, NN4 7HS.